
Updates, more updates

My news site
My news site (PostItLive) has gone on several updates since I last talked about it here.

My news site is here: http://postitlive.110mb.com/

I've added a nice feed in this blog coming from my news site (PostItLive). It is viewable on the right.

For one, it's URL has changed (and it will change again in the near future). Another change is the site layout, and it's usage of "tags" to categorize posts.

Of course, these may not mean much to you, but hey, at least this blog would be "updated" by talking about it here :P.

P.S.: I need editors on it, to cater to other topics (like "general" and "off-topic").

*I've edited most of the links in this blog, so that you can visit the blog through any of my older posts.

My school
I'm still in MJC (Meridian Junior College). I'm actually quite surprized that Marcus is there too (though, in a different CG).

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